Estreia a 16 de Outubro de 1997 | Teatro Académico Gil Vicente, Coimbra
Coprodução: Teatro Nacional D. Maria II, Teatro Académico Gil Vicente

I notice just now/In front of myself/I leave myself behind/I close my eyes and I am still/Still here
I open the skin in front of my eyes/I just notice now I left

I leave/This to forget and not to remember/to do the time
To do tomorrow before today, (right away) away/Motorway, take, takeaway/I leave again

I appear, disappear, reappear/I reappear/I was younger then
To slide the time over the time
I have to be selfish or a shell fish or just a ich/Ich bin…
Time is passing but not enough/Present is passing/I am present,
I am the present passing away
The landscape is in my pocket

Born to collect history/Die to continue history
Still here, but gone
Heart out, beat lost, no clocks

Ludger Lamers, 1997

Olga Roriz
Sónia Aragão, Carla Ribeiro, Lina Santos, Suzana Queiroz,
Ludger Lamers, Fabrizio Pazzaglia , Luis Carolino
Colagem musical
Ludger Lamers
João Mendes Ribeiro
Olga Roriz, Lidija Kolovrat
Desenho de luz
Clemente Cuba
Eduardo Brandão, Paulo João, Ludger Lamers,
Fabrizio Pazzaglia, Olga Roriz
Colaboração dramaturgia
Eduardo Brandão e Paulo João
Maria José Sequeira