Estreia a 16 de Outubro de 1997 | Teatro Académico Gil Vicente, Coimbra
Coprodução: Teatro Nacional D. Maria II, Teatro Académico Gil Vicente
I notice just now/In front of myself/I leave myself behind/I close my eyes and I am still/Still here
I open the skin in front of my eyes/I just notice now I left
I leave/This to forget and not to remember/to do the time
To do tomorrow before today, (right away) away/Motorway, take, takeaway/I leave again
I appear, disappear, reappear/I reappear/I was younger then
To slide the time over the time
I have to be selfish or a shell fish or just a ich/Ich bin…
Time is passing but not enough/Present is passing/I am present,
I am the present passing away
The landscape is in my pocket
Born to collect history/Die to continue history
Still here, but gone
Heart out, beat lost, no clocks
Ludger Lamers, 1997